Standards for Behavior

The Code of Conduct details City Honors policy about appropriate student behavior, as well as procedures for disciplinary action. The Code is designed to emphasize the importance of creating a safe, welcoming school environment that supports student learning.

Updated during the 2019-2020 school year,  the CHIPS Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of giving all students the opportunity to make academic progress by strengthening a tiered system of progressive discipline and student supports.


Parents and Students,

City Honors International Preparatory School has high standards for behavior.  These standards ensure not only a safe campus, but also an environment conducive to academics and respectfulness.  Therefore, City Honors has a Code of Conduct Policy for inappropriate behavior. By making a “Choice” to attend City Honors International Preparatory School (CHIPS), you acknowledge that this is not your home school. At any time that you have violated school policies and/or California Education Code, progressive discipline will ensue, possibly resulting in returning to your home school. 

Progressive Discipline will be enforced immediately for the following reasons:

  • Disrespectfulness related to the Six Main Character Values (Trustworthiness, Honesty, Caring, Responsibility, Loyalty, Respect)
  • Leaving school without parent permission or administrative consent.  
  • No phones allowed during instructional time/classroom. (No wearing headphones, airpods, making phone calls, texting, watching videos not related to education on personal laptops, videotaping, or using social media.) IUSD District Policy 5131 and State Law.

NOTE: *No plugging electronics in at school.

  • Possession or Use of Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (i.e. vaping, etc.)
  • Bullying/Cyber bullying
  • Fighting
  • Non-compliance with the City Honors Uniform Policy 
  • Non-compliance with IUSD School Policies and Procedures

Discipline Procedures:

  1. Verbal Warning by Teacher/Administrator 
  2. Communication to Parent*

*By Teacher or Administration, via email or phone call 

  1. Lunch Detention*
  2. Suspension*
  3. Behavioral Contract*
  4. Dismissal*

*Communication to parent